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1 Terabyte (1000GB) Email

I introduced some big email servers such as before,I always confused about how do they afford so big space for keep running.I always warn people who want try that kind of email servers do not put important data or email there.You never sure how long do they running.Now,another email server give you biggest email space, offers 1 terabyte (1000GB) of email storage for free.Can you believer that? First of all,I don't think it is real,I mean how many people need so big space for email? Secondly,it registered domain at 23-aug-2005,and expiration Date is 23-aug-2006,just one year.I am not sure it will keep it going after one year.But,anything we need has two style email services:one is web base email for free user.Another one is Advantage Club which offers POP3 and Smtp,one-time charge of $19.99 US dollars.
BTW,This Email server's CEO is Vincent Liou, it seems I saw this name on another big email server (3-5 GB) list before. That Email server sold to another buyer.And after I registered I found another sent mail which was another person used in my mail box.

以前我介绍过一些提供大邮箱的邮件服务商如,我总是疑惑这些邮件服务商如何维持服务器的运转。我也一再提醒那些愿意尝试大邮箱的人们千万不要在这些空间里储存一些重要的资料和邮件。你永远也不能肯定他们能运转多久。现在,另一个邮件服务商提供世界上最大空间的Email,Mailnation.net免费提供1 terabyte (1000GB)的免费Email。你能相信吗?首先,我不相信。有多少人需要这么大的Email空间?其次,该服务商的注册时间是2005年八月23日,截止时间是2006年八月23日,只有短短的一年时间。我不能确定一年后它还能继续维持运转。但是,任何事总要去尝试。Mailnation.net有两种方案,一种是网站Email服务模式,这是给免费用户的。另一种是提供POP3和Smtp服务,给一次性收费19.99美元的升级用户的。
备注:该网站的CEO是Vincent Liou,这个名字我似曾相识,好像以前也是某个3-5GB的Email服务商的CEO,后来该网站转手卖掉了。还有,当我注册使用时竟然发现我的信箱里有一封别人使用过的邮件纪录。

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