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Photo Maps Online

Pixagogo is a free service which offers photo map by based on Google Maps.You can use this fun way to share your photos or display your photos map on your blog or website. It's really simple: Upload your photos, add labels & geocodes and build your own Photo Map. Currently,it supports the following web browsers both on Windows and Mac: IE 5.5+, Firefox 0.8+, Safari 1.2.4+, Netscape 7.1+, Mozilla 1.4+, Opera 7+. Now,it is easy to set up your map in US (just zip code), but for other countries you need correct geographic coordinates (e.g. latitude-longitude)to the location.

Pixagogo Photo Maps

Pixagogo是一个免费提供在线照片地图的网站,它使用AJAX技术并基于Google Maps的服务。你可以用该网站的代码在你的网站和部落格上分享和展示你的地图照片,一切都非常简单:上传你的照片、加入标签和地理位子的代码,建立你自己的照片地图。目前,它支持的浏览器为:IE 5.5+, Firefox 0.8+, Safari 1.2.4+, Netscape 7.1+, Mozilla 1.4+, Opera 7+。现在它很容易为你设置在美国的照片地图(只要填入本地的邮政编码即可),但是对其他国家来说,你需要有你正确的地理坐标(经度纬度)。

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