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Digg,Dot,Us Together?

I just say someone made Digg and Slashdot togther on one website, now I found another website to Digg,Slashdot,and together. says it puts three popular website's links together. But a blog who calls Plasticshore says they just put these three website's RSS feeds together is not nicety.I think so. looks simple,and no any other function.

我刚刚在前面提到有人把DiggSlashdot放在一个页面上,现在我有发现另一个把Digg,Slashdot,del.ico.us这三个受欢迎的网站文章聚合到一起的网站,Diggdot.us说它把三个网站聚合到一起,但是有个叫Plasticshore说把三个网站的RSS feeds放到一起并没有什么高明之处。对此,我也有同感。Diggdot.us看上去很简单,也没有什么任何其他的功能。

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