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Mouse or Cell Phone ?

Sony Japan has announced the "Mouse Talk", it looks like a normal Optical mouse with a scoll wheel. you can use the mouse as a normal VoIP phone, the scroll wheel doubles as a volume controller. When you receive a phone call a sound is played on the computer and a led blinks on the mouse. The mouse has 800 dpi resolution connects via USB / USB 2.0 and is compatible with Windows 2000 / XP only.The mouse talk will be available in Japan from Feb 18th for 8000 Yen ($ 65) in five colors White, Red, Green, Black and Blue.

日本索尼宣布将推出"Mouse Talk",它是一种看上去象普通的带有滑轮的“鼠标”。你可以使用这个“鼠标”来打VoIP电话,那个滑轮便是电话的声音调节器。当你收到来电时,它会在你的电脑上发出信号和在这个“鼠标”上发光。该“鼠标”可以用USB和USB 2.0来联接电脑,系统要求Windows 2000或XP。该“鼠标”将在2月18日在日本本土上市,售价大概是8000日元(65美元),白、红、绿、黑、和蓝五种颜色供选择。

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