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Trade CD/DVD Online

Lala is a new website which helps you buy,borrow CD online. You can check newest CD, latest play list, and also do trade CD with other people. It is cheap for subscribe your CD, just $1 and plus mail stamp fee (0.49).It is still a beta version. If you really interest about it you can go Here for direct register. It is just for USA.
P.S. I don't have any experience with Lala. According to Rumboard says after you report that the CD has arrived in good conditions you will be charged. More information you can read here.

Peerflix is similar Lala,but the different point is Peerflix just a community network, it does not has warehouse to store stuff. Like a platform, Peerflix helps its club members to do trade to each other. No monthly fee, pay as you go.

Blockbuster is an online DVD renter site. You can pick DVD on its website, it will send it to you with low charge fee.
Netflix is similar Blockbuster. It rents DVD online with monthly fee, no later fee.


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