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FoxLingo, Translate Web Site

FoxLingo offers a software for firefox browser, that translates websites with their current interface. It uses some web tranglate sites such as Worldlingo, Google Translator, Babelfish, Freetranslation, Tranexp, and so on. It supports a lot of languages. If you have website or blog you can put its code into your web page, the visitors just click for translate your webpage to another languange.

FoxLingo提供一個Firefox浏覽器插件,它可以讓你的網站在原界面上翻譯成別的語言。它是基于一些網絡翻譯服務網站如:WorldlingoGoogle TranslatorBabelfishFreetranslationTranexp等等。它也支持多種語言。如果你想在你的網站或blog加入它的翻譯的話,可以免費放上它的代碼。

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