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myBlueZebra, Another Internet Phone To Phone Calling Service

I have introduced a website Jajah,that allows you make phone call to anywhere around the world without software. Now, I found another one myBlueZebra that offers a really simple way to make discounted phone calls all over the world using the Internet without having to purchase any headphones, microphones or having to install any software. As Jajah,you can use your existing landline or mobile phone to call people, but before you make calling you need get online, and log on myBlueZebra, put your phone number and your destination number to the bars, click the green "CALL NOW" button. After you did that you do not use internet, and waiting myBlueZebra connect you. Every thing is simple, and telephone fee rate is low.

我介紹過一個可以讓你不用軟件就可以通過網絡來打電話的網站Jajah,現在我又發現了一個相同功能的網站myBlueZebra。它同樣不用軟件就可以使用網絡功能的電話對電話服務,不過在你打電話前你必須先登陸它的網站,然後輸入你的和對方的電話,點擊綠色的"CALL NOW"按鈕即可。無需再做什麽,只要等待myBlueZebra爲你接通電話。非常簡單,而且費用也很低廉。

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