Grab this Widget ~ Blogger Accessories
14, Image Redirection is an image redirection service, that allow people use it to link hot-linking photos from other website without bandwidth limited. Some website limit or ban hot-linking,maybe you can not or limited get photos from that kind site. How can you do if you really want link their photos? You can use some ways to do. Download photos from that site and store them in your hard drive, if you want use them you can direct upload to your website if your web server has that function, or upload photos to a free image host site, then you link it with your blog or website. With, you just direct put photo's web address after Like that below,
    <img src="" />
It is easy and quick. Actually, grab the image located on the URL, and cache it in its own servers, and from then on the image will always be served from instead of the host site.
    <img src="" />

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