Everytime while I went China Town in New York City I saw some Chinese people try sell some famous brand of handbags, such as Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Prada. I know these are illegal copied products, but who care about that if the price is cheap and nice quality? I know these breand's products have very good quality and design, but their price also are very high. I love brand product but most time I can not afford them, I also do not like fake one, so most times I just waiting for season over and the price reducing or just do window shopping. Yesterday, I read a blog that introduce a website which sells replica handbag products including: Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Prada, Chanel, Fendi, Marc Jacobs, Dior, Yves Saint Laurent, Balanciaga, Miu Miu, Thomas Wylde, Alexander McQueen, Mulberry, Jimmy Choo and Juicy Couture. I know some online vendors sell fake stuff, but I was really surprised about Highreplica that looks pretty good an online business site. The logo shows it do this business since 2004, website was registered in Malaysia but factory located in Guangdong of China. It called itself "The 7 Star Replica", guarantee their product's quality, even it has return policy. Frankly, it looks like a real online business site but actually that is illegal.
每次我到纽约市的唐人街总会遇到一些华人在街头推销一些著名的手提包,如Louis Vuitton(路易威登), Gucci(古奇), Prada(百拉达)。我知道这些都是非法拷贝的产品,但如果质量不错价格便宜有谁会在意仿制品?我知道这些真品的质量非常好,设计也很精良,但他们的价格也很高。我喜欢品牌产品,但大多数时候我买不起,但我也不喜欢仿冒品,所以只能等待季节过后的打折价格。昨天我读了一篇blog,它介绍一个在线网站,它专门销售一些著名品牌的手提包的复制品,有Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Prada, Chanel, Fendi, Marc Jacobs, Dior, Yves Saint Laurent, Balanciaga, Miu Miu, Thomas Wylde, Alexander McQueen, Mulberry, Jimmy Choo和Juicy Couture。我知道一些在线商贩销售仿冒品,但我还是对Highreplica有点惊讶,它是一个专门销售这些名牌手提包的网站,但看上去如同一个真正的在线商业网站。从它的标志上看它是从2004年开始做这个生意的,网站注册在马来西亚,但工厂却在中国的广东省。它号称是七星级复制,保证质量,甚至还有退货方案。坦率地说它看上去像一个商业网站,但做的却是非法的生意。
Online Business Site Sells Fake Handbags, Legal Or Not?
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