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Top Ten Reviews

I like search something online if I want buy or download something, you will have more choices and compare to different features or prices. I really want someone make a website that can review products for you in one place, it should be nice. Top Ten Reviews is a that kind site, it has different categories and channels: Software, Web Services, Hardware, Movies, Music, and Video Games. The review is very professional, and tells you top ten product's detail including: name, rank, rating, feature, price. It is very useful site.

我喜欢在买东西或下载软件前先搜索网络,这样你可以有更多的选择和比较性能价格。我真的希望有人能做一个网站把所有的产品做一个评审,这样你就可以在一个地方读到产品评审文章。Top Ten Reviews就是这样一个网站,它有不同的频道和类别:软件、网络服务、硬件、电影、音乐。它的产品评审非常专业,告诉你最好的十个产品的具体评价,包括:名字、等级、排名、性能、价格。这是一个非常实用的网站,值得收藏。

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