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Google's Hoaxes, Only For Fun

Google is a giant of internet and it made a miracle, it always creates new stuff so everybody look at it and guess what is next. But Google is not an universal company even it wants be. So some rumours existed online, something became or will be true such as Google Mail Service, Google Phone; and something are hoaxes. How many hoaxes of Google? Wiki has an interesting article that talk about Google hoaxes. I am really interesting about two Google hoaxes, one is Google TiSP, which offers a free in-home wireless broadband service. This service would make use of a standard toilet and sewage lines to provide free Internet connectivity at a speed of 8 Mbit/s (2 Mbit/s upload) (or up to 32 Mbit/s with a paid plan). Another one is Gmail Paper, The service offered to allow users of Google's free webmail service to add e-mails to a "Paper Archive," which Google would print (on "96% post-consumer organic soybean sputum") and mail via traditional post. Both are creative. I really want they are true.

Google是一个网络巨头,所以它的一举一动都会引来人们的关注和联想。网络上总是流传着不少有关它的谣言,有些谣言尽然成真或即将成真,如Google Mail, Google Phone;而有些则是搞笑。到底有多少Google搞笑?Wiki有一篇文章专门讨论这个问题,比较有意思。其中有两个让我觉得相当有趣,一是Google TiSP,它提供一种宽带服务。这个服务使用的是普通马桶的污水管道来提供免费的速度为8 Mbit/s(上传为2 Mbit/s)的英特网接入服务(或32 Mbit/s的付费服务)。另一个是Gmail Paper,它提供将电子邮件转为免费普通邮件递送服务,可以将Google Mail中的邮件添加到"Paper Archive"中,Google会将他们打印在一种环保纸张上邮递到目的地。两者都非常有创意,我希望他们是真的。

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