Many people know about internet is not safe, if you surf online a lot you must know basic security and privacy knowledge, but some people never take serious to look some strange sites. Blockdelete is a Phishing site that called it will tell you "Quickly and easily learn who blocked you on MSN". It lets you input your MSN Messenger account information: Use Name and Password. If you lucky you can find this result:
We save your Passport username or password for further use of advertising from your MSN to your friendlist. You can change your password anytime to stop us sending messages these advertising messages.
My Firefox browser was warning me while I browse this site: "This page has been reported as a web forgery designed to trick users into sharing personal or financial information...". I used Linkscanner to scan this website, the result is = Phishing. You know what, it still has many people offered their MSN account information.
It has another domain Free offers for you redirect bring you to Blockdelete, Firefox and Linkscanner did not do any reaction.

很多人知道英特网并不安全,如果你常常浏览网站的话你必须了解一些安全和隐私方面的基本知识。但有些人不以为然,他们从来也不认真地去看一下那些可疑的网站。Blockdelete是一个“钓鱼“网站,它自称可以帮助人们来发现什么人在MSN Messenger上锁住了自己,让你提供自己的MSN用户名和密码。如果你幸运的话可以看到这样的结果:
在我浏览这个网站时我的Firefox浏览器发出警告:“这个网页被报告为伪装一个网站来诱惑人们提供个人和财务信息......“。我使用Linkscanner来扫描这个网站,得到的结果是 = Phishing。你知道吗?还是有不少人提供自己的信息给这个网站。
该网站还使用另一个域名:Free offers for you自动转向到Blockdelete,而Firefox浏览器和Linkscanner并不能侦测出任何结果。
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