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Ubernote, Online Note

Ubernote is a online service that offers an online note composer. It is a web 2.0 application, so you can edit your note that save at once . The interface seems very simple, and it is similar other wiki editor sites. You can use rich text editor to write your note, it looks like some web based mail composer with rich text editor, such as Yahoo, Hotmail. You can editor your note or delete it. It has some good features such as add tag for your each note; email note that allows you send note to yourself by one click; Print, you can print your note. It is simple to use, maybe that is good for some people want create note and save them. But I seem had some problems while I play this site, several times the page loading has problem.

Ubernote是一个在线服务网站,它提供在线随手贴。这是一个web 2.0网站,所以你在编辑的时候会同步保存。界面相当简单,与其他一些在线维基编辑网站类似。你可以使用rich text格式来写文章,就像一些在线邮件服务网站中写邮件那样,如YahooHotmail。你可以编辑你的随手贴或删除它。它还有一些不错的功能:可为你的每个随手贴添加标签;一键将随手贴通过电子邮件发送给自己;打印随手贴。它使用起来非常简单,也许是和那些喜欢保存随手贴的用户。但是我在使用这个网站是有点问题,好几次出现网页载入困难。

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