I say "internet is not safe" several times recently, that is true. I have some basic knowledge about internet, so my computer has some anti-something softwares and firewall, but I still check my computer process while I am online. You never know what will happening online, spam, spyware, malware, rootkit, trojan, hack too much dangerous stuff bother you. Sometimes I found some unknown applications running in my computer, but I can not make sure what these are. How can we do? Usually, I always write down that application' name and search it on Google or other search engines. Some websites offer a list of PC process, you can browse list to find what that application is, good or not, delete or keep. What is that file is an online tool that helps you to identify file which running on computer, it display some information quickly. It is a simple web tool, that useful and helpful. If you need identify file very often you can use a software which called Process Explorer that from Microsoft.
近来我多次说过“网络兵不安全”,这是真的。我具有一些基本的网络知识,所以在电脑中安装了不少“反什么”之类的软件和防火墙,但我在上网时还是常常检查电脑进程。你不知道网络上会发生什么,垃圾邮件、间谍软件、恶意软件、木马、病毒程序、黑客,有太多的东西困扰你。有时候我发现一些不知名的程序在我的电脑中运转,但我不能肯定他们是什么样的程序。如何应对?通常我会记下他们的名字,到Google这样的搜索引擎上进行搜索。有一些网站提供电脑进程的列表,你可以查找运转在你的电脑中的程序,正常的还是恶意的,保存还是删除。What is that file是一个在线工具,它可以帮助你辨别运转在你的电脑中的程序性质,并快速显示一些信息。这是一个简单网络工具,非常实用和有帮助。如果你常常检查你的电脑进程的话,可以下载一个叫Process Explorer的软件,它是Microsoft的产品。
Use A Web Tool To Identify File That Running On PC
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