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IM, Email, Social Network All In One

Digsby is a new service that combines instant message, email, and social network service. It allows you add some IM servers including Yahoo, , AIM, MSN, Google Talk, or Jabber. You can add some email servers such as Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo Mail, AIM Mail, and IMAP or POP accounts. In social network, you can add Facebook or MySpace account if you have.
Digsby is running as other instant messengers, you can have chatting with friends, check and send email, monitor your social network information. You need download a client from its website, but now it is a private version that required invitation while you set up software. If you are interesting please type this invitation code: bigblue for set up. Enjoying!

Digsby是一个新的网络服务,它将即时通讯客户端、电子邮件和社会性网络服务网站集合于一身。你可以添加不同的即时通讯客户端包括:Yahoo, , AIM, MSN, Google Talk, 和Jabber。还可以添加不同的电子邮件服务如:Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo Mail, AIM Mail, 和IMAP或POP3邮件服务。在社会性网络网站,你可以添加Facebook or MySpace


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