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Read Documents For You

Read The Words is a web based reading tool, that allows you convert documents to media files. It supports several file formats,such as PDF, MS Word, HTML File, text file, or link a RSS Feeds URL and a web address.

First of all, you need upload your document file to its server or give a link that you want convert web address. Then, choose one from fourteen readers who will read your file, and pick a language (it supports English, Spanish, and French).

Of course, you can set up reading speed which you liked. It will take a while to recording. After all done, you can listen, download MP3 file, or put it onto your blog or website.

It is a good web tool, if you want make your blog convert to podcast, maybe you can try.

Read The Words是一个基于网络的朗读工具,它可以将你的文字文件转换成多媒体音频文件。它支持一些不同的的文件格式如:PDF文件、微软Word文件、HTML文件、纯文字文件、网站地址和RSS Feeds地址。





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