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Add Any Widgets On Your Desktop

Do you like put some widgets on your desktop? I do not, that cause I do not like it uses too much my computer memory source. But I think some widgets are very nice. 360 Desktop is a software for your desktop that allows you add widgets on your desktop.

Of course, you need download 360 Desktop first, then add some widgets that you like. You can search some very nice widgets online, such as Google Widget, Widgetbox, they have a lot of widgets.

It is pretty easy to add widget on your desktop, just go to above sites that I mentioned, copy its code into 360 Desktop, it has a button on a tool bar that lets you add new widget.

360 Desktop also offers 360 degree wallpaper for your desktop, you can drag it show whole wallpaper. You can not add your own pictures to make 360 degree wallpaper now, but it says it will offer that feature with next version.

你喜欢在你的电脑桌面上添加一些widget(小装置)吗?这些widget可以让你非常方便地使用一些在线工具,如字典、地图、发送短信等等。我并不喜欢在我的桌面上添加这些东西,主要原因是我不想他们过多地使用电脑中的内存。不过,我的确认为有些widget非常不错也很实用。360 Desktop是一个桌面软件,它可以让你无限地在电脑桌面上添加widget。

当然,首先你需要下载360 Desktop,然后添加一些你喜欢的widget。你可以在网络搜索这些widget,如Google Widget, Widgetbox等,他们都提供很多widget。

添加widget到你的桌面非常容易,到上面我提到的这些网站上发现你喜欢的widget,然后拷贝它的代码到360 Desktop中。你安装后会有一个工具条在桌面上,它的管理器上有一个按钮让你添加代码。

360 Desktop也为你的桌面提供一个360度的图片,你可以用推拉的方式移动图片360度。现在你还不能添加你的图片到其中,但它将在下一个版本中添加这个功能。

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