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Serials Search Engine

Sometimes I think software is expensive especially for that bland name software you only use one year. I spent almost $50 bought a PC-cillin Internet Security 2006 only for use one year, it asked me to pay almost same payment to renew my subscription for extention of another year when expiration approached. I was confused about why I need spend another $50 dollars for old version when I saw a new version PC-cillin Internet Security 2007 on the shelves. That is ridiculous!

I really like open source or free softwares even with some ads on. I think commercial software need think about people want accept their price, they must be reasonable. If not, people will go another way to find serials or cracks. I do not want teach people how to find serials or cracks online, but sometime it should be easier, you can use a search engine.

I like tell you about two serials search engines, one is You Serials that helps you to find some software's serials directly. Another one is Chinese version that called I Serial but still easy to use. Like a search engine, I think everyone know how to do with them.

有时候我认为软件太昂贵,尤其是那些比较有名的软件,你购买它的软件只能使用一年。我曾经花了将近50美元购买过PC-cillin Internet Security 2006,但只能使用一年。在软件快要接近期限时它询问我再付费续订一年。当我在商店货架上看到新版的PC-cillin Internet Security 2007就比较纳闷,为何我要付相同的费用来使用一个旧版的软件?这简直有点荒唐!


我在这里透露两个注册码搜索引擎,一个是You Serials,它帮助你直接发现注册码。另一个是中文版搜索网站I Serial。这两个都比较容易使用,不需要太多的解释。

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