Grab this Widget ~ Blogger Accessories

Some Links - 09/02

Adjix - create short address for web sites, it also put text ads with it that lets you earn revenue, and track clicks.

Vtubetools - lets you custom Youtube player that can embeds it on your site or blog.

Filesavr - another online file hosting site, maybe you can upload a 10GB file.

Rexyo - it is a versatile search engine, can search web, image, video.

Tinymail - an online email address link generator that for you paste on website, forum, and against spammer.

Adjix - 为网站创建一个短地址,同时贴上一行文字广告,你可以从中获得回报和追踪点击来源。

Vtubetools - 让你创建一个客户化的Youtube播放器,可以贴在你的网站或blog上。

Filesavr - 另一个网络文件寄存网站,也许你可以上传一个10GB的文件。

Rexyo - 一个多方面的搜索引擎,可以搜索网站、图片和视频。

Tinymail - 一个在线电子邮件地址链接创造器,可以让你粘贴在网站、论坛上,对抗垃圾邮件搜集者。

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