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Bypass Internet Censorship With Picidae

We have some different ways to surf online anonymously, usually we use proxy, VPN, Tor, or other, but today I like introduce another new way. Actually, it was an art activity, the founders are two Swiss artists Mathias Jud and Christoph Wachter. They found a new way to bypass internet censorship, it is very interesting that different between other bypassing way, it uses a clickable image page, so scan sensitive keyword is not working.

This is picidae project, its first page is very simple, only display a address bar without click button, but after you fill a web address into this bar you can click "Enter" key of keyboard. Then it takes you to a destination page with a clickable image page. The interesting is on this image page any link can click. But it only fits text, image page, you can not use it to surf multi-media site, like Youtube, Hulu, Pandora Radio.

But it still works fine, especially it helps people who live in some internet censorship countries. They went China to test picidae project, the results are very good. China has very strong technology to block some websites.

Like Tor, picidae project also distributes its client (server, proxy) to internet users. You can setup server on your computer, or make your website became a web proxy service.

我们有一些不同的方式来匿名上网,如使用代理、VPNTor和其他的方法,今天我想介绍一个新的方法。事实上,它原先是一个艺术手段,由两位瑞士艺术家Mathias Jud和Christoph Wachter发明。他们发明了一种新的方法来绕过网络封锁,这是一个使用与其他方法不同的原理来浏览网页,它使用一个可点击的图像页面,让那些使用扫描敏感语言的封锁方式失效。

它叫picidae(啄木鸟)项目,首页非常简单,只有一个地址栏,没有任何按钮,但在你输入网址后可以直接点击键盘上的"Enter"就可以进行浏览。它会将你带到一个基于图像的可点击的目标网页。有趣的是这个图像网页上的所有链接都可以点击。但是它仅仅适用于浏览文字和图像,并不适用那些多媒体网站,如Youtube, Hulu, Pandora Radio


如Tor一样, picidae(啄木鸟)也分配给网络用户安装客户端(服务器和代理服务)。你可以将其安装在电脑中或者上传到网站上成为自己的服务器。如果你仅仅像浏览网站的话就不必安装任何东西,只要到它的网站上输入网址即可。

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