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How To Use Firefox To Watch Youtube TV Channel

Recently, Youtube has announced a new service that called Youtube TV, but you can not use regular browser to watch video, it is just for PlayStation 3 and the Wii, so these game players can use their own browser to watch Youtube video. This is a good news for game player, they can use game machine to watch Youtube video on big TV screen.

We have a way to hack Youtube TV on regular Firefox browser, it lets us to use Firefox browser to get Youtube TV channel on regular browser. These are steps below:

1 First, install User Agent Switcher 0.6.11 on Firefox, it is a Firefox add-on extension.

2 After restart Firefox, click "Tools" on top of browser, find "User Agent Switcher", click "Options" - "Options" on menu. It will open a window, click "User Agents", Click "Add" button, open a small window, fill this information:

Description: Wii
User Agent: Opera/9.23 (Nintendo Wii; U; ; 1038-58; Wii Internet Channel/1.0; en)
App Name: Wii Internet Channel
App Version: 1.0; en

Click "OK" - "OK" buttons. It looks like this screenshot below.

3 On "Tools" Set User Agent Switcher to "Wii".

4 Go to this address, watch it.

近来,Youtube宣布一个新的服务,它称为Youtube TV。但是你不能用普通的浏览器来观看这个频道,它是专门为游戏机PlayStation 3和Wii而架设的。这对游戏玩家来说这是个好消息,他们可以用这两个游戏机连接大屏幕电视机观看Youtube上的视频。

我们也可以用一个另类方法在普通浏览器上观看Youtube TV频道。下面是具体步骤:

1 首先是安装一个FireFox的添加件-User Agent Switcher 0.6.11

2 重启Firefox后点击浏览器上方的"工具",发现"User Agent Switcher"后,在菜单上点击"选项" - "选项"。它会打开一个小窗口,点击"User Agents",点击"Add"按钮,打开一个小窗口后输入下面的信息:

Description: Wii
User Agent: Opera/9.23 (Nintendo Wii; U; ; 1038-58; Wii Internet Channel/1.0; en)
App Name: Wii Internet Channel
App Version: 1.0; en

点击"OK" - "OK"按钮。请参考上面的截图。

3 最后在“工具”栏中将User Agent Switcher设置为"Wii"。

4 然后就可以在浏览器地址栏中输入这个地址就可以观看了。

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