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Mango, A Site Specific Browser

I said I like to try different web browser before, some web browsers are not just based on main browsers, they have very special features. Today, I like introduce a tiny browser that called Mango SSB (Site Specific Browser), it is light single site browser, very simple but clean interface, no address bar, no tool bar, no bookmark. It just load single site when you start it.

But it has some features, like proxy setting, save website, custom context menu, create an executable browser. You can run individual browser for different websites. Why we have use this browser? I think we visit some websites a lot, like web based email site, if I want check my Gmail quickly I like use Mango browser. I can save it become an individual browser for next time I can open it that displays Gmail site. It is a useful tool, only 741KB.

You can direct download Mango here, or go to official page check out.

我说过我喜欢尝试不同的浏览器,有些浏览器并不是单纯地依赖于那些主流浏览器,他们有一些特殊的功能。今天,我要介绍的是一款轻便式浏览器名叫Mango SSB (Site Specific Browser)。它是一个轻便式浏览器,界面简单但很干净,没有地址栏,没有工具条,没有书签。当你运行时它只浏览单个网站,软件只有741KB。


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