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Megavideo Video Downloader

We like watch internet video from some websites, like Youtube, but it has some strict control content that violate rules, like nude, copyright, whole TV show. We can go to other sites to watch this kind of videos. Megavideo is a video site that based on Hong Kong, it stores tons of videos that Youtube disallowed. If you like watch video with Megavideo maybe you have this experience that it popup a window with ads when you click play button. I do not like this kind of website, I do not want to go this website to watch video. I use another way, download video from Megavideo. But how to download it without be there? Actually, it is easy.

First thing is use search engine to search videos, then use a software to download them. What software can we use? It called Megavideo Video Downloader that allows you download video from Megavideo. It is a small and free software, it supports various video formats like avi, mpeg, flv, wmv. Simply paste the URL of a video into the program, press Add, and the file will be downloaded into the selected folder.

It is simple, if you like you can download it here.


首先是使用搜索引擎搜索该网站上的视频,然后使用一个软件来下载这些视频。用什么样的软件可以下载它的视频节目?Megavideo Video Downloader就是这样一个专门下载该网站视频的一个下载器,它是一个很小的免费软件,支持一些不同的视频格式如avi, mpeg, flv, wmv。只要简单地拷贝它的视频地址到软件中,按“添加”按钮后就可以进行下载。


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