I think some websites we visited everyday, we can use bookmark to save time when we visit them again. Day by day, our bookmark will be bigger, and some sites we do not have to bookmark, like Google, Yahoo, Digg, we do not want they occupied space. But every time we have to type whole address again and again, it is not smart. Now, we can use a Firefox add-on to solve typing problem, this is URL Alias it can to do that job for us.
URL Alias is a tiny Firefox extension that allows you to configure replacements to some keywords (aliases) you type into address bar. You can configure one or two letters to instead of whole address, like you can use gl to instead of http://www.google.com, yh to instead of http://www.yahoo.com. You can create any letters to instead of any web addresses. It is easy, and make type address much quick and easier.
You can download URL Alias, you need a Mozilla account before you download. After you installed it, go to "tool" -> "add-ons", open a small window to find "URL Alias", click "Options", open another small window, create list like this:
gm http://gmail.com/
gh http://www.ghacks.net/
d http://www.digg.com/
yh http://www.yahoo.com/
my http://www.myspace.com/
After click "OK" button, all done. So next time you can type gm in address bar it will take you to Gmail. Whatever you did it works fine. It is useful especial for some special sites that you do not want save in bookmark but us them everyday.
我想有些网站我们每天要访问,如果我们要再次访问他们的话可以保存到书签中。随着时间书签会越来越庞大,有些网站我们并不想保存到书签中,如Google, Yahoo, Digg,我们不想让他们占据书签中的位置。但是每次我们要进入这些网站时需要用手工在地址栏中输入完整的网址,这并不是聪明。现在,我们可以使用一个Firefox添加件URL Alias来解决这个问题。
URL Alias是一个很小的Firefox添加件,它可以让你配置一些单字母来替代完整的网址。你可以使用一、二个单字母来替换完整的网址,如使用gl来代替http://www.google.com,用yh代替http://www.yahoo.com等等。你可以用任何字母来替换任何网址。它非常简单,使得输入网址更快,更方便。
你可以下载URL Alias,它需要注册才能下载。下载安装后可在“工具”中找到“添加件”,打开小窗口找到"URL Alias",点击“选项”,打开另一个小窗口,创建你自己的网址列表,如下面所示:
gm http://gmail.com/
gh http://www.ghacks.net/
d http://www.digg.com/
yh http://www.yahoo.com/
my http://www.myspace.com/
URL Alias Makes Web Address Typing Quickly
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