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Re-Start Time With Youtube Video

Many people like Youtube, but sometimes we do not want watch whole video, how can we do if we only want watch a part of video? Today, I would like tell you an online tool that can re-start time for Youtube video.

Youtube Time is an online tool that helps you to re-start Youtube video. When we watch a big video and we only want watch a short part we can use this tool. Just simple fill a video address of Youtube into address bar, set a start time, click "preview" button for watch video or "get link" button for a link.


Youtube Time是一个在线工具,可帮助你重新打开Youtube的视频时间。当我们观看一个视频的时候,我们只想观看后面的某个部分的时候就可以使用这个工具。只要在地址条上输入视频地址,设定一个开始播放的时间,点击"preview"按钮后可进行观看,或者点击"get link"按钮获得一个链接。

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