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Hulu Desktop

Popular video site Hulu has released a desktop client that called Hulu Desktop. If you are in US you may download it now, but for other people who live outside of USA, they can not play video even you downloaded this client. Hulu Desktop does not support proxy, so the only way is use a VPN which based on US IP server.

I had try download Hulu Desktop and play videos, it is not any problem while I play videos. But the interface is very simple, it looks too dark. My personal opinion is I do not like dark interface,especially hide menu on main interface. What do you think about it?

流行的视频网站开始Hulu推出它的一个电脑桌面播放客户端,它叫Hulu Desktop。如果你在美国的话就可以免费下载该客户端,但对那些美国以外的用户来说就无能为力了,Hulu Desktop并不支持代理,即使你下载了客户端也无法播放视频。唯一的办法是使用一个基于美国IP服务器的VPN。


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