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Some Web Links 08/13/09

Bokayme - helps you make digital flower to send somebody in special day. - create your online business card for your social networking sites.

Fonolo - lets you skip past big companies phone menus, using Deep Dialing to avoid annoy "Press 1 for English".

Radio Time - an online radio correction, you can learn to radio stations around the world.

Dirdy - lets you search for and convert your favorite YouTube videos to high quality mp3's in real time.

Bokayme - 帮助你制作电子花束在特别的日子发送给某人。 - 为你的社会性网络网站创建你的电子卡。

Fonolo - 让你避开一些大公司的电话菜单,使用“深度拨号”来绕开恼人的"英语,请按1"。

Radio Time - 一个搜集网络电台的网站,可让你在一个地方收听来自世界各地的网络电台。

Dirdy - 可让你搜索、转换你喜欢的YouTube视频即时转换成高质量的MP3文件。

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