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Send Snail Mail By Internet For Free

I had a post - Send Snail Mail Online that talk about use internet to create a mail and delivery by postal service. These service are not free, you have to pay stamp for delivery. Today, I like share another mail service with you, it is free in US and Australia.

The Mail Monster is a web service that offers an easy way to create a mail online and land delivery. The good point is this service is not only paid mail delivery service, it also offers a free option with ads on your mail. You can create your mail online, and choose delivery modes, free or paid. Free service only for US and Australia, other countries cost $3 US dollars each mail.

If you have family or friends live in US and Australia, maybe this is a good service for you. Wherever you live, you can send free snail mail to these two countries now.


The Mail Monster是一个网络服务网站,它提供一个简单的方法在线创建邮件而在陆地递送。它的一个特点是不仅提供付费服务,而且也提供免费服务(在邮件中打印广告)。你可以在线创建邮件,然后选择递送方式:免费或付费。免费服务仅适用美国和澳大利亚境内递送,其他国家的资费为每封邮件3美元。


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