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Divyshot, A Nice Event Photo Sharing Service

Divyshot is a photo sharing service that helps you to create web based photo album for events. You can easy to create an event and upload your photos from your computer or your Flickr album.

It has tree ways to upload your photos: Flash uploader, Java uploader, and regular single uploader. Flash uploader allows you to upload multiple photos once time, Java uploader allows you drag and drop photos, regular uploader is upload photo one by one.

You can simple edit photo quickly. You can set up your album to personal or allow friends' contribution. If you want download album, it should be easy, just one click you can download whole album. If you setup event photo album to public, everyone can contribute that. The biggest difference between Divyshot and other web based photo album services? It is an event photo sharing site, so it uses photos to describe events, not only a pure photo album, good for party, wedding, and other social events.

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