If your ISP or government blocked some websites, you should to use another way get in. We have some ways to do that, like proxy, Tor, SSH, or VPN. Now, we have another one that helps users through censorship. It's a brand new concept and different, it called Telex, the program created by computer security researchers from University of Michigan and University of Waterloo in US and Canada.
Telex is still in an early beta version, not recommend doing strong secure transfer data, but still bypass censorship. Telex client supports Linux and Windows Operation System, you have to use command prompt with both systems. For most users, it's a little bit difficult. If your computer runs Windows, just follow these steps below, you can do it by yourself.
1, Download Telex client: for Windows.
2, Unzip file to any folder, click "telex.dat". It will pop up a black window where you have type command. Type this command:
telex-client notblocked.telex.cc
3, Press "Enter" key on your keyboard. Don't close black window. You have to configure web browser to use HTTP and HTTPS proxy servers on localhost port 8888.
Now, visit this web page, if you can see the picture that means Telex works well. You can browse other websites either.
Telex also works with Tor project, you can take a look at on this page for more information.
A Chinese made a useful client. If you understand Chinese, you can download here, it is easy to use without command.
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