Grab this Widget ~ Blogger Accessories

SpeakPipe, Let Your Blog Reader Record Voice Comment

If you have a blog, you should like to your reader leave comments. Most blog platform have this feature, but only for text message. Would you like to be a special one, put a voice message widget on your blog?

SpeakPipe gives you a web widget for your blog, your readers can leave voice message to you. Your readers and you don't need any software, just use your computer to record or listen message. It isn't difficult to do, register a free account, copy code and paste it to you blog template. It supports several main blog platforms, like WordPress, Blogger, Tumblr, Joomla, and others. You can listen to voice message on inbox of SpeakPipe.

If you want to leave a voice comment here, please click "Send Voicemail" on left side. Take a look these screenshots below.

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