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Create Your Own Photo Share Platform With OpenPhoto

If you want to share tons of photo on the internet, how can you do? Yes, we will create an account with a web image publish service, like social networking site, Facebook, Flickr, Picasa, and others. Social networking service makes web sharing so easy and quickly. But, if you don't want to use these social networking sites, you have another choice, put your photos on your account with DropBox or Amazon s3. The problem is, it's easy to store photos on these two servers, but hard to share photo with other people.

Now, you can try OpenPhoto. After you created an account with it, you get a sub domain with You can easy to upload photos with drag and drop mode. You can hook up your account with DropBox or Amazon s3. Your photo will store on these servers, OpenPhoto just like a platform, easy to manage, share your photos.

OpenPhoto also supports smartphone device, even build it on your personal website.

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